Saturday, October 10, 2009

8 Easy Steps to the Perfect Foot Massage

As good as any I've ever met loves having her feet massaged! In some cultures as a foot massage is drug therapy. In all cultures, it will be a wonderful treat!

Why do foot massage feel so good? Reflexologen glauben, dass es da die verschiedenen Bereiche des Fußes, um verschiedene Bereiche des Körpers verbunden sind. As such, believe that a doctor let her reflexology your whole body through a well-maintained feet pampered massage.

Here are some simple steps to a big home foot massage:

Step 1 Make sure "patient" or a friend feel comfortable and relaxed. Assign the right chair or bed, until she is able to sit or lie to feel comfortable for at least 30 minutes.

Step 2 Soak the feet in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes. Feel free to some fragrant essential oils add a flavor for therapeutic benefit.

Step 3 Apply a lubricant. (Note: If your patient has sensitive skin, or prefer not to a lubricant to be used in order. A lubricant simply makes the massage) easily and completely. Use the cream, lotion or oil of your choice. Do not use it directly to the foot. Instead, it is important to your hands first and rub between your hands, you, to the lubricant before your hands warm on the feet of your patients.

Step 4 Start at the top of the foot. Now use a gentle, long-stroke style of massage from the toes to angle. be sure to work gently on the span. Next, work on the sole. Make small circles with your fingers or thumb to increase and the pressure gradually. Always ask your friend how they feel, to verify that your print is too hard or too soft. As you move in the heel and ball, more pressure may be necessary. If you lose at any time and always remember you are working from the toes-to-heel and top to bottom. You should also include the sides of the foot, as the sides are often be delicate and sensitive care.

Step 5 The next step is the cradle of the foot on the one hand and use your other hand to apply a route on foot and flex your friend. Start at the ankles, then do the ball. You can repeat this 3 or 4 times and change of direction for a full range of the foot.

Step 6 Now your attention is switched to the sole. Using your thumb or fingers for a firm but gentle kneading motion. It is very important that the arch your focus.

Step 7 Toes! Starting with the big toe and is trying to the little toe, press the cloves one at a time and for small effleurage each tow. If your patient wants, you can always massage between the toes. You can also "snap" or "patch" each toe gently but quickly between the fingers.

Step 8 Fill out the foot massage, by briefly revisiting the sole with light, circular strokes. Then put your hands and make the long lines along the top and instep of the foot. This time from work down at the end of the ankle and toes.

That's it! Of course, you have to go ahead and the second foot massage. It is very important that the donor enjoys the massage process as much as the recipient. To increase your own pleasure, make sure you are relaxed and well moistened. Play your favorite music in the background will also contribute to a pleasant experience.

Back Massage Techniques

A back massage is a great way to help relieve stress and muscle tension by a family member, friend or lover. Not everyone is a trained professional when it comes to this but it is important to keep in mind some of the techniques of the issuance of a massage. You do not want to help out to the recipient who you are supposed to hurt. Make sure you use the following advice sparingly, and always with the person, the massage is always check to see if there is too much for them.

Most people want a back massage, so we get about how to talk, you do it. The recipient has, lying face down on a bed or a table that is comfortable. Put a little massage oil lubricant on her back, and rub his back with both hands. Use a firm but gentle approach, then rub your hands back to the neck. Use kneading motions on the top of the shoulders, middle back and buttocks, as loosen tight muscles. One can compute node hard or troublesome areas of the back, neck and shoulders with your thumb or finger. Try circular motions on the back which could be relaxing.

Make sure to go easy when someone a massage as you want them to help, stress and muscle tension, rather than hurt them. Most experts say professional massage or get your feet positioning for more power, while applying his hands behind his back for a beating. Of course, many people say, like, they give great massages, and while this may be true, nothing will beat the work of a true professional massage performed.

These trained experts are able to provide therapeutic massage, while most others are not. But by using the simple tips above and goes on a simple, easy step, you can still someone a good massage relaxed that it effectively.